
Welcome to my blog my fellow class mates.  As I understand and learn more about where we are today with technology I will share with all of you my new acquired learning.  I’m looking forward to learning from all of you.

Unit 4-Network Insecurity

  • Understanding Cyber crime
  • Cyber crime as a threat to our security
  • Security playing defense

Are We Losing the Battle against Cyber Crime?

The biggest problem with cyber crime is that since we can’t see cyber crime it is easy to put out of our mind. Consumers are all too willing to put themselves available for attack at the LOW price to pay to stay connected! Making accessibility to the cyber criminals way too easy!

The consumers are not the only vulnerable victim as we have learned in this chapter the U.S. Government and the U.S. Banks are high targets for cyber criminals. The resources are too limited to monitor the mammoth quantity of intrusions that are out there.




The F.B.I. knows more than they can share with the immediate public.  This is for the safety of the public and for the protection of the data the Federal Bureau of Investigation have gathered against the cyber criminals.  Do you feel the protected?  You should!

Cyber Insecurity


Fear of Government Fairness in Monitoring Cyber Attacks

The question on everyone’s mind.  Will fear take over what is FAIR when it comes to the level the government must monitor cyber crime?
Above is a video on YouTube covering the cyber insecurity.

The Defense Technique

Network security has been playing defense to secure the perimeter of a network.  It depends heavily on antivirus software and users diligent updating it.  Keeping the crown jewels on the inside is only as strong as the wall protecting it.   The defense approach works like a security system and the door to your home.  Once in just like your home the cyber criminal can cause a lot of

In Conclusion the Battle against Cyber Crime is Constant

The one thing that we have learned from the argument presented is that the only defense is to stay alert and be diligent with the data you are willing to share with the rest of the world.  Recognize that every time you make the choice to stay connected you are opening yourself up for a cyber attack.  No one side is winning the battle but the war is still on!!!



Unit 1  – Article:  The Algorithm: More Human than a Human?

Look at what happened with Facebook.

Algorithms have come a long way in making our world a more efficient place.  The reference in the book that “We create the data, so essentially our data is an extension of ourselves, an extension of our humanity.” From that point of view more human than human is extremely alarming.  The algorithm is only as good as the operator reading and following along.  Each time an algorithm is said to be ready to be on its own it is as if you left a teenager home alone.
Algorithms are not human and a decision making decision requires a mind to look at options based on several different inputs and outputs.  Meaning a system with a huge amount of responsibility does not have a value of loss built in to possible consequences of the outcome.
To believe that a machine of any level can be as human as a human is false.  I have always been amazed with why anyone would need or want to build any kind of a mechanism to be able to react human?  Don’t we have enough humans in the world that we need machines that can have the built in capacity to be human or even more human than human?
Algorithms are a great way to have a simple and, or complex direction based activities that require no thought or human feelings.  And, by feelings I am refereeing to the ability to know right from wrong morally.  To state that any system can be human and that it is an extension of the person creating the algorithm is concerning.  As we can see on the news when your turn on your TV, or when you read an article on the media.  Not every human is good.  Why on earth would we want an extension of them?

Unit 3 –Article:  Privacy in a Digital World

The Patriot Act –The government established the Patriot Act as a very patriotic form of protecting the American people from terrorism.  As an American’s we value the right to privacy but we value the right to be protected more.

How the USA PATRIOT Act redefines “Domestic Terrorism


People often complain about breach of privacy.  In keeping their life private most people have a Facebook page, engage in blogs, twitter, and are connected in every possible way possible.  The same people are concern about others knowing too much about them.  It is ironic to believe that the same people that are willing to post their every move for all the world to see seem are so concern with keep much secured these days.

The South Carolina stated had most of our social security numbers compromised on a file that was breached.  A letter was mailed months after the fact.  The stated only admitted to the breach after a leak to the media.

Several other big breach of data occurred:
Lowes credit cards were compromised. Target had a huge compromised with debit cards.
Blue Cross Blue Shield had a medical breach where member’s medical information was breached.  When an employer request background information to review credit and all criminal background checks are traced.  This system was also breached.
When a landlord is interested in getting a tenant’s housing information they can purchase information for a small fee.

All of the above together is the complete life of any individual all this data reachable with just a few strokes of the fingers.  Our life is one database after another and why are we so concern with the government knowing our every move?  The government is our safest bet, the least of our worries.  Go for it Uncle Sam, keep us safe from all the crazy people.  Better the government than Google or Facebook!

Unit 5 – How Psychology Will Shape the Future of Social Media Marketing

Do you believe me?

Just watch this video below and let’s blog about it.


It is a valid assumption that technology will never replace the human ability to extract meaningful data from volumes of information.

The human ability to extract meaning from other humans is a not without flaw.  Do you recall the first time you realized humans have the ability to lie?  If not I can tell you we have jails filled with people who claim to be innocent and yet many have been found guilty. On the other hand we have technology claiming to be able to identify true or false statements based on a person’s heart beat irregularity.  I fear for my life I panic even when I’m telling the truth.  Not funny if you are a huge chicken like me.  Welcome to the FUTURE!

Do you remember the way certain people show a level of sarcasm that sometimes you question if they are kidding?  I guess you can never tell.  I’m told I’m one of those people who could be super upset and I will not share my feelings.  I was taught a long time ago to keep it to myself, not a good trait I hear.

I do understand that a machine will NOT ever be able to feel.  I recognize no level of algorithm nor any level of technology will be able to replace the human feeling.  I have often felt that perhaps computers have taught us their very own language.  I have experience people who are very black or white in their thought process and I wonder have computers and technology taught us their language?  Have us humans felt that not feeling and being more robotic makes us a superior race?

I don’t know about everyone else but the thought that an algorithm is able to tell me what is best for me is extremely concerning.  One I would second doubt myself with every life decision.  Really there would be no reason for me to even be educated.   Two the world would stop existing.  Why would we even have the right to vote for a president?

Algorithms vs. People

Source: https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=emotional+intelligence&view=detailv2&id=426BB571156A414960685EDD8D541F4B61BC9888&selectedindex=6&ccid=T91NDS5c&simid=608032662981707949&thid=OIP.M4fdd4d0d2e5ccec41df6427d897ade78H0&mode=overlay&first=1

Image result for emotional intelligence

I vote for the People!!!

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