Chapter 2
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For our youth to not go far enough seems to be highly acceptable in today’s society.  The wonder we are so fascinated with artificial intelligence.  Human interaction will always be an important part of social engagement. I’m not opposed to social media, gaming, texting or working from home.  I am a big advocate of face to face and by that I don’t mean face time.  Although, face time is a great source for keeping up  with friends and family that are to far to touch.  Being connected just as all of the other sources of connection are not the same as the human interactions technology will never be the replacement for humans.

The rite of passage to drive is like as American as every American should be.  I was in another country but I have always felt so rich to live in America.  How can we as humans allow our generations to come to sit at home all of the time without human interaction?  How does the internet or social media teach our youth or our people social skills?

The fact that a person has the freedom to come and go is a freedom which must not be wasted.   I have noticed that more children are being home schooled by parents that for so many reasons feel the child is better taught by the online system than by being engaged by other peers of their age group.  Not that I’m against home schooling but I’m not 100% for it.

It is a reality that all of the above are reducing the number of car drivers and I can understand and appreciate the reduction of toxic gases from automobiles.  However, social skills are not learned from spending quality alone time.

Where are the parents?  How is it okay not to drive? When did we as American’s decided to stop learning to drive?