Chapter 3

Privacy in a Digital World

The Patriot Act –The government established the Patriot Act as a very patriotic form of protecting the American people from terrorism.  As an American’s we value the right to privacy but we value the right to be protected more.

People often complain about breach of privacy.  In keeping their life private most people have a Facebook page, engage in blogs, twitter, and are connected in every possible way possible.  The same people are concern about others knowing too much about them.  It is ironic to believe that the same people that are willing to post their every move for all the world to see seem are so concern with keep much secured these days.

The South Carolina stated had most of our social security numbers compromised on a file that was breached.  A letter was mailed months after the fact.  The stated only admitted to the breach after a leak to the media.

Several other big breach of data occurred:
Lowes credit cards were compromised. Target had a huge compromised with debit cards.
Blue Cross Blue Shield had a medical breach where member’s medical information was breached.  When an employer request background information to review credit and all criminal background checks are traced.  This system was also breached.
When a landlord is interested in getting a tenant’s housing information they can purchase information for a small fee.

All of the above together is the complete life of any individual all this data reachable with just a few strokes of the fingers.  Our life is one database after another and why are we so concern with the government knowing our every move?  The government is our safest bet, the least of our worries.  Go for it Uncle Sam, keep us safe from all the crazy people.  Better the government than Google or Facebook!